Atlanta’s Only Birth Center
Atlanta Families and those in our surrounding communities have a safe and welcoming alternative to hospital birth.

Why Atlanta Birth Center?
A birth center provides a holistic program with comprehensive midwifery care, a nurturing environment where you will feel supported, respected, safe and secure and personalized, family-centered care from highly qualified holistic health care providers.

Our Services
Childbirth Services
Women’s Support Groups
Also check out other services with out partners at VitalAtlanta

Studied for centuries, the midwifery model of care is now available to our community.
Atlanta Birth Center serves as the second birth center in Georgia. We join The Midwife Group an Family Birth Center of Savannah in increasing access to birth center care across our state.
Atlanta Birth Center Events
We offer and host several events monthly. Please browse a few upcoming to the right, or view our entire events page.
Our featured events:
Motherwise Support Group
Circle Space and Women’s Process Group
Atlanta Birth Center Tours