Vital Atlanta Partners
Atlanta Birth Center has been a vision shared by local industry health professionals for over a decade. This vision is based on the birth center model of care with the premise that pregnancy and birth are normal life events and should be person-centered. This model includes prenatal care, holistic support, integration with all care settings including hospital, postpartum support, and much more.
My Massage Doula
Bodywork | Childbirth Classes | Doula Services
Charlotte Scott, LMT, CLD, SpBAP
Arvigo® Maya Abdominal Therapies for prenatal-postpartum and fertility
Spinning Babies®
Aware Practitioner
Certified Matrona Holistic Doula
Dancing For Birth™
Phone: 770-688-0519
Website: https://mymassagedoula.com
Instagram: @mymassagedoula
Bethany E. Birth co.
Photographer | Placenta Encapsulator | Birthworker | Birth Prep Classes
Bethany Branch-Erby
Newborn + Birth Center Birth Photographer
Breast Feeding Specialist
Birth Doula
Placenta Encapsulator
Holistic Birthworker
Yoni Steam Practitioner
Birth Class Instructor
Website: Bethanyebirthco.com
Email: hello@Bethanyebirthco.com
IG: Bethanyebirthco
Facebook: Bethanyebirthco
Hours: Open 7 days a week by appointment only
Pea Pod Nutrition and Lactation Support
Alicia Simpson MS, RD, IBCLC, LD • Carlie Adams RD, LD, IBCLC • Christina Brumme MPH, RD, LD
Website: peapodnutrition.org
Phone: 678.607.6052
Hours: Open 7 days a week by appointment only
Mobile Thermographic Imaging
Janique Cook, Co-Owner & Administration • Angelique Scibetta, Co-Owner & Accounting • Brandy Jackovitch, Office Manager
Website: http://www.atlanta-breast-thermography.com
Email: mti.thermography@gmail.com
Phone: 678.688.8986
Facebook: mobilethermographic
Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 – 5:00