Jenny Hirsch, BSN, RN, IBCLC

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Client Intake Coordinator & Postpartum Nurse

Jenny has always been passionate about women's health! Her Bachelors Degree in Women's Studies really fueled a passion for supporting and empowering women. Jenny has experience in home birth from training to be a midwife, but did not complete the program because she decided to focus on becoming a mom first:) She got her Bachelors of Nursing and worked as a labor and delivery nurse from 2005-2019. She was known in her previous hospitals as one of the nurses who would wholeheartedly support women who desired unmedicated birth and VBAC. She has 3 amazing children, the first of whom was born via cesarean birth, followed by 2 unmedicated VBAC births. Jenny has also worked as a hospital based lactation consultant and has had her IBCLC certification since 2011. 

In January of 2018, Jenny's sister had a gorgeous birth at the Atlanta Birth Center which she was honored to attend. She was amazed at the skill of the staff, the beauty of the facility, and the great care that was given to her sister. At that time she decided if her family ever moved to Atlanta from Florida (however unlikely this seemed then), she would want to work at ABC. Fast forward 2 years when Jenny's family actually did move to Georgia!! Working with ABC is a dream come true and Jenny feels so grateful to be able to support their mission. 


1. Megan Gatewood, BSN, RN


Chelsea Ho, RN